Kamis, 06 Februari 2020

[Ongoing Bachelor Degree] Sports and Arts Scholarship (BEOS), Indonesia 2020

SCHOLARSHIP for Sports and Arts Education Students (BEOS) 2020 is a scholarship program organized by the Bina Insan Kamil Solidarity Foundation, to facilitate the nation's best students who aspire to devote themselves to education. In addition, the Bina Insan Kamil Solidarity Foundation wants to produce qualified, dedicated teachers, masters of science, faith and piety, and upholds the spirit of tolerance.

In the course of the lecture period, students receiving the Yasbil Teaching Scholarship will receive several self-development programs including: character building, English language training, motivational seminars, teaching workshops and career seminars to support scholarship recipients so that they can directly apply and practice the knowledge gained after graduating from college High.

During the lecture period also scholarship recipients are expected to have students assisted as a form of community service and to train soft skills so that when they graduate, students have a lot of teaching experience and are ready to teach at educational institutions at higher levels.
  • The amount of allowance given is 250,000 / month with a duration of four months.
  • There will be an extension option if the evaluation period shows a positive development.


  • Must follow Yasbil's Instagram at @ yasbil.id  
  • Good behavior  
  • GPA min.3  
  • Have high dedication in the fields of education, art, and sports  
  • Maximum 8th semester students  
  • Derived from the Department of Physical Education and Music Education
Requirement Document:Send the following document softfile to email yasbil.id@gmail.com
  • CV  
  • Photograph 4 × 6  
  • Value Transcript  
  • Student Cards  
  • Achievement certificates, if any  
  • Family Card Certificate of mastery of foreign languages ​​if any
The SCHOLARSHIP for the 2020 Sports and Arts Education Students (BEOS) consists of several university options with the following details:
  • Indonesian University of Education (Bandung)
  • Jakarta State University (Jakarta)
  • Syiah Kuala University (Banda Aceh)
  • Yogyakarta State University (Yogyakarta)
  • Semarang State University (Semarang)
  • Surabaya State University (Surabaya)
  • Registration Stage:

How to Apply:
  • Fill in the registration form at bit.ly/GuruTeladanYasbil
  • File requirements are sent to the yasbil.id@gmail.com soft file with the subject: BEOS


10 February 2020

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