Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

Essay Competition for Indonesian students by Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), China (Fully Funded)

Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia has the pleasure to once again host our annual essay competition for Indonesian students, Write To China. Under the official name of China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program, this project is trilateral cooperation between Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, and Fujian Provincial Government. Write To China was first initiated in 2016, which began as an essay competition for Indonesian students and provided a trip to China as its main prize. However, since 2017, the program became a youth exchange program between both Indonesian and Chinese students – visiting both cities of the Fujian province as well as major cities in Indonesia. The China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program purposes to strengthen people-to-people diplomacy between Chinese and Indonesian youth aged between 18 to 24 years old. The program lasts for three weeks in both countries, making an intense and conducive interaction among participants.

Joint us on whatsapp, telegram, LINE

To participate in this youth exchange program, FPCI and the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta will select 20 winners with the best essays under this year’s theme, 70 Years of Friendship: Celebrating China-Indonesia Bilateral Relations. The essays should be:
  1. Written in English and consist of 1000-1500 words;
  2. Use the font Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5, and include footnotes if needed;
  3. Saved as Word document with the file name: WTC2020_(Your Name)_(Your University).

The winners will be entitled for:
  • An exchange trip to Beijing and Fujian Province, continued to several cities in Indonesia (details will be shared only to selected winners)
  • The committee will cover:
    • Visa Process and Fee
    • Transportation
    • Accommodation
    • Meals
    • Documentation
    • Certificate and Allowance

  • Indonesian Student
  • 18-24 years old by March 2020
  • Winners must have a passport that valid at least until November 2020.

How to Apply:
fill in the registration form at bit.ly/wtc2020
    14 February 2020


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