Senin, 20 Januari 2020

[Bachelor Degree] Fair & Lovely Bintang Scholarship 2020 for Indonesia Citizen, Indonesia (Fully Funded)

Fair and Lovely Bintang Scholarships are tuition assistance for Indonesian women graduating from high school / vocational school / MA / equivalent who continue their studies at State Universities (PTN), have ideas to contribute to society, are highly motivated and high achievers but have financial limitations. The program has been held since 2017, and has brought 150 Indonesian girls into tertiary levels in Java and in several regions outside Java. This year, the Fair & Lovely Bintang Scholarship opens opportunities for young women who want to study at state universities throughout Indonesia.

Program Objectives:
  • Providing opportunities for women in Indonesia who have graduated from high school / vocational / MA / equivalent, have ideas to contribute to society, have high motivation, and have an achievement to continue their undergraduate education but have financial limitations.
  • Providing tuition assistance to women graduating from high school / vocational / MA / equivalent who are accepted in State Universities (PTN) in 2019 undergraduate level (S1) for 8 semesters.
  • Providing capacity building for scholarship participants for 8 semesters. 
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    Eeducation fees (Cash) distributed at the beginning of each odd semester are allocated to meet academic and student needs. In addition, every year there is assistance for capacity building for 4 years. Mentoring materials are tailored to the curriculum of the Hoshizora Foundation.

    • 12th grade students or high school / vocational / MA / equivalent graduates who can register for admission to PTN in 2020
    • Students come from the following regions:
      • Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
      • Jawa Tengah
      • Jawa Timur dan Madura
      • Jawa Barat
      • Banten
      • Sumatera Utara
      • Sumatera Barat
      • Sumatera Selatan
      • Kalimantan Barat
      • Kalimantan Timur
      • Sulawesi Selatan
    • Students enroll through:
      • SNMPTN
      • SBMPTN
      • SPMB PTAIN
      • Self selection held by each PTN for student purposes with an announcement before July 2020
    • Has academic potential as evidenced by photocopying or scanned report cards, achievement certificates (if any), or photocopies of diplomas & SKHUN for those who have graduated from school.
    • Have a study plan at the desired PTN and ideas to contribute to the community.
    • Committed to completing studies at selected universities.

    How to Apply:
    Please visit HERE for applying

    31 March 2020

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