Jumat, 31 Januari 2020

Australia Awards Scholarships: Beasiswa Penuh S2 & S3 di Australia

Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS), yang merupakan program beasiswa dari Pemerintah Australia ini, cukup banyak diminati oleh penduduk Indonesia, terutama yang berniat melanjutkan studi jenjang S2 dan S3 di Negeri Kanguru. Beasiswa ini terbuka untuk seluruh penduduk Indonesia yang memenuhi syarat. Kaum wanita, penyandang disabilitas, serta mereka yang berasal dari dearah sasaran didorong untuk ikut mendaftar.

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Biaya kuliah (tuition fee)
  • Bantuan biaya hidup
  • Biaya penempatan (satu kali saat kedatangan)
  • Tiket penerbagan pergi pulang
  • Program Pengenalan Akademis
  • Asuransi kesehatan
  • Dukungan biaya akademis lainnya

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Akan mendaftar pada bidang studi prioritas
  • Lulusan S1 (untuk program Master/S2) dan S2 (untuk program PhD/S3) dengan prestasi akademis yang bagus
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (dengan nilai TOEFL atau IELTS tertentu)

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Sebelum mendaftar, pastikan teman-teman telah memahami Booklet AAS (unduh di sini) serta Buku Pegangan (unduh di sini). Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online dengan dua tahap. Pertama, para pelamar harus mendaftarkan disi melalui portal Oasis (klik di sini), kemudian mengisi data tambahan melalui Laman Australia Awards (klik di sini). Simak juga Laman Tanya Jawab untuk lebih memahami proses pendaftaran program ini. Apabila masih ada yang ditanyakan, silakan langsung kontak ke 021-5277648 atau email longtermawards@australiaawardsindonesia.org.
Informasi lengkapnya dapat dibaca di situs resmi AAS Indonesia.

Batas Akhir Pendaftaran: 30 April 2020

Kumpulan Beasiswa S2 & S3
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

Rabu, 29 Januari 2020

StuNed: Beasiswa Penuh S2 di Belanda

Studeren in Nederlands atau yang lebih dikenal dengan StuNed adalah program beasiswa yang diperuntukkan bagi penduduk Indonesia untuk melanjutkan kuliah jenjang S2 di Belanda. Tidak ada batasan program studi dan universitas resmi yang dipilih oleh penerima beasiswa. Namun ada beberapa perguruan tinggi di Belanda yang memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk diberikan beasiswa karena adanya skema pembiayaan bersama (co-funding).

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Uang kuliah (tuition fee)
  • Biaya hidup bulanan
  • Biaya perjalanan internasional dan lokal

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Warga negara Indonesia, usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal lulus S1/D4 dengan IPK minimal 3.0
  • Bagi yang sudah bekerja, mendapat ijin tertulis dari institusi tempat dia bekerja
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (dengan nilai TOEFL iBT minimal 90 atau IELTS minimal 6.5)
  • Sudah diterima program S2 internasional di universitas di Belanda

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online di Laman Pendaftaran. Selanjutnya ikuti saja petunjuknya langkah demi langkah. Apabila ada pertanyaan mengenai program ini, bisa mengirimkan via email stunedcontact@nesoindonesia.or.id.
Keterangan lengkap mengenai program ini bisa dibaca di situs resmi StuNed.

Batas Akhir Pendaftaran: 3 Maret 2020

Kumpulan Beasiswa di Eropa
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

Selasa, 28 Januari 2020

Beasiswa Kursus Satu Tahun di Kampung Inggris dan Kampung Arab Pare

[Advertorial] - Kampung Inggris merupakan wisata edukasi unggulan Jawa Timur yang telah banyak menarik wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara untuk berlibur sekaligus belajar. Lokasinya terletak di kawasan kota Pare, Kediri. Bukan hanya Kampung Inggris, Pare juga memiliki Kampung Arab yang dicetuskan oleh lembaga Kursus Bahasa Arab Al Azhar. Banyak peserta kursus yang datang unuk mempelajari bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Inggris di tempat ini. Sebagai salah satu lembaga kursus terbaik di Pare, Al Azhar telah menjadi lembaga kursus Go International dan menjadi destinasi wisata edukasi favorit negara-negara tetangga seperti Malaysia, dan Thailand. Kabar gembiranya, Al Azhar tengah mengadakan beasiswa kursus 100% untuk kursus bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris selama setahun penuh. Bagaimana syarat dan ketentuannya? Simak artikel berikut ini:

Kini Al-Azhar English Academy membuka kesempatan emas Beasiswa Kursus Bahasa Inggris Al-Azhar English Academy Untuk lulusan SMA/MA, Universitas atau Umum. Anda juga bisa memilih program kursus bahasa Inggris yang seusai dengan kebutuhan berbahasa Inggris anda, mulai dari program Full Time 1, Full Time 2, Full Time 3, Full Speaking, Full Grammar, English Tahfidz. Adapun untuk ketentuan peserta beasiswa kursus bahasa inggris adalah usia minimal 17 tahun, bersungguh-sungguh, disiplin, ulet. Untuk waktu pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 21 Januari 2020 - 05 Februari 2020. Dan akan kita umumkan peserta yang beruntung yang mendapatkan beasiswa 100% ini pada tanggal 06 Februari 2020. Lantas bagaimana sih cara untuk daftar beasiswa Kursus Bahasa Inggris Al-Azhar English Academy? Info lebih lanjut dapat disimak di laman Beasiswa Kampung Inggris Al-Azhar (klik di sini)

Bukan hanya beasiswa bahasa Inggris saja, Al Azhar juga menyiapkan beasiswa kursus bahasa Arab yaitu Beasiswa Kader Ustadz Bahasa Arab Al-Azhar Pare Ke-III. Cakupan beasiswa antara lain biaya pendidikan, biaya asrama/camp, dan biaya pengembangan diri. Selain itu peserta juga akan mendapatkan gratis kursus bahasa inggris ketika sudah selesai program ( syarat dan ketentuan berlaku). Pendaftaran dibuka mulai 05 Januari s.d  25 Februari 2020. Download dan isi lengkap formulir pendaftaran lalu kirimkan ke Email : kaderustadz@gmail.com paling lambat pukul 10.00 WIB tanggal 25 Februari 2020.
Link download formulir pendaftaran: http://bit.ly/FormulirBeasiswaKaderUstadz3. Info lebih lanjut dapat disimak di laman Beasiswa Kampung Arab Al-Azhar (klik di sini)

Tunggu apa lagi? Segera daftarkan diri anda sebelum batas waktu yang telah ditentukan. Calon peserta kursus yang mendaftar akan diseleksi oleh tim penguji dan hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat berkas yang akan kami hubungi menuju tahap seleksi selanjutnya.

Untuk menggali informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi contact person Al Azhar pada nomor-nomor berikut.
Admin beasiswa Bahasa Arab Al Azhar: 0821 8693 2421 (Kak Ella) atau 0812 1665 3855 (Kak Fatkhur).
Admin beasiswa Bahasa Inggris Al Azhar: 0813 5942 4208 (Kak Lidia).

Semoga informasi beasiswa ini bermanfaat, kami tunggu kedatangannya di “Kampung Bahasa” Pare.

Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship - Beasiswa Seni dan Budaya Indonesia

Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS) adalah kegiatan internasional rutin tahunan dari Kementerian Luar Negeri RI yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan keberagaman seni dan budaya Indonesia kepada para peserta yang berasal dari puluhan negara sahabat, termasuk peserta dari Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah. IACS 2020 akan berlangsung selama tiga bulan mulai Mei sampai Agustus 2020.

Selama kegiatan ini, peserta akan dibagi menjadi enam kelompok dan akan ditempatkan di pusat-pusat seni dan budaya di Bali, Sumatera Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Jawa Timur, Sulawasei Selatan dan Yogyakarta. Pada akhir kegiatan, para peserta akan mementaskan seni dan budaya yang telah mereka pelajari dalam acara Indonesia Channel.

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Biaya program (termasuk kegiatan ekstra kurikuler)
  • Tiket penerbangan
  • Biaya transportasi lokal
  • Akomodasi (penginapan)
  • Asuransi kesehatan (terbatas). Peserta dianjurkan memiliki asuransi kesehatan sendiri
  • Uang saku senilai Rp. 2 juta per bulan
Persyaratan Umum:
  • Minimal lulusan SMA/sederajat
  • Belum menikah, usia 21-27 tahun
  • Memiliki minat yang besar pada seni budaya. Mahasiswa seni atau yang memiliki latar belakang akademisbudaya Indonesia dianjurkan untuk ikut mendaftar
  • Berbadan sehat
  • Sanggup mengikuti seluruh rangkaian acara dari awal sampai akhir
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dasar

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Sebelum mendaftar, para pelamar wajib mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran (unduh di sini) serta Surat Pernyataan (unduh di sini). Baca juga Panduan Beasiswa (unduh di sini). Seluruh berkas pendaftaran dikirimkan ke:
Kementerian Luar Negeri RI
Direktorat Diplomasi Publik
Gedung Menara lantai 12
Jalan Taman Pejambon No 6
Pertanyaan terkait IACS langsung ditujukan ke email iacs@kemlu.go.id.
Informasi lengkap dapat dibaca di Pengumuman Resmi Kemlu RI.

Batas Akhir Penerimaan Berkas: 28 Februari 2020

Ikuti juga Program Relawan PBB
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

Senin, 27 Januari 2020

SMART ITSB: Beasiswa Diploma III Teknologi Pengolahan Sawit

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin memperoleh keterampilan praktik serta cepat memasuki dunia kerja, program beasiswa yang satu ini bisa jadi opsi yang menarik. PT Sinar Mas Agribusines (SMART) bekerja sama dengan Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung (ITSB) membuka peluang bagi lulusan SMA sederajat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan jenjang Diploma III Teknologi Pengolahan Sawit.

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Biaya Pendidikan
  • Biaya hidup untuk 10 peserta terbaik setiap semester
  • Magang/PKL di lokasi perkebunan Sinar Mas
  • Peluang kerja di Sinar Mas Agribusiness

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Lulusan SMA/MA IPA atau SMK Mesin/Listrik
  • Tinggi badan minimal 165 dengan berat badan proporsional
  • Tidak buta warna
  • Lolos seleksi PT SMART dan ITSB

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online dengan mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran dan data diri di sini. Pastikan memilih jalur beasiswa SMART ITSB. Seluruh proses pendaftaran dan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apa pun. Apabila ada pertanyaan perihal program ini bisa langusng menghubungi 021 - 50156789 ext 5555.
Keterangan lengkapnya bisa dibaca di situs resmi SMART.

Penutupan Pendaftaran: 20 Maret 2020

GRATIS Kuliah S1 Perkebunan Sawit
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

Minggu, 26 Januari 2020

Fair & Lovely Bintang Beasiswa bagi Perempuan Indonesia

Program beasiswa yang dinamai Fair & Lovely Bintang Beasiswa ini ditujukan khusus untuk kaum perempuan Indonesia yang memiliki mimpi, aspirasi, prestasi serta motivasi yang tinggi untuk melanjutkan studi ke jenjang S1 untuk meraih mimpi dan cita-cita mereka. Beasiswa diberikan kepada 60 perempuan terpilih berupa bantuan biaya kuliah yang disalurkan setiap awal semester ganjil serta program pengembangan pribadi dari Hoshizora Foundation selama 8 semester.

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Siswi kelas XII SMA/SMK/MA sederajat atau yang telah lulus yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti Seleksi Masuk PTN (semua jalur) di tahun ajaran 2020/2021
  • Berniat mendaftar ke Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia
  • Meliliki kendala finansial untuk melanjutkan kuliah
  • Berprestasi secara akademis
  • Berkomitmen untuk menyelesaikan studi selama 8 semester

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online melalui Laman Pendaftaran (klik di sini). Sebelum mendaftar, setiap pelamar sebaiknya membaca semua syarat dan ketentuan beasiswa ini di situs resmi Fair & Lovely Bintang Beasiswa.

Batas Akhir Pendaftaran: 31 Maret 2020

Simak juga Magang Beasiswa Asuransi Central Asia
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

Jumat, 24 Januari 2020

Magang Beasiswa D3 Asuransi dari Asuransi Cemtral Asia

Teman-teman yang berniat untuk melanjutkan kuliah sekaligus ingin cepat bekerja, tawaran Magang Beasiswa dari PT Asuransi Central Asia (ACA) ini mungkin merupakan salah satu solusinya. Program beasiswa ini merupakan beasiswa jenjang Diploma III dengan ikatan dinas dimana setelah menyelesaikan kuliah, para penerimaanya akan bekerja di ACA selama tiga tahun.

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Biaya kuliah D3 Asuransi di STMA Trisakti dan STIMRA
  • Akomodasi bagi peserta dari luar Jabodetabek
  • Uang saku bulanan
  • Pelatihan kerja/magang

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Lulusan SMA/sederajat
  • Prestasi akademis yang bagus (rata-rata nilai rapor kelas 10 - 12 minimal 7)
  • Usia maksimal 21 tahun per September 2019
  • Berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu (dengan SKTM)
  • Lolos seleksi oleh HRD ACA

Prosedur dan Batas Akhir Pendaftaran:
Para pelamar harus mengirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap beserta semua dokumen yang diminta ke:
HRD PT Asuransi Central Asia
Gedung Wisma Asia I Lantai 15
Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav 79
Jakarta Barat 11420
dengan menuliskan MAGANG BEASISWA pada sampulnya. Berkas lamaran juga bisa dikirim melalui email ke: hrdtraining@acains.com. Pertanyaan mengenai program ini bisa disampaikan ke Pendi/Syifa telepon 021-56998288 (ext 57326/5772).
Informasi ini bersumber dari akun resmi ACA.

Periode Pendaftaran: paling lambat 15 Juli 2020

Kumpulan Beasiswa Dalam Negeri
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

AMA+ Scholarship: Beasiswa Penuh Bidang Seni Jenjang Diploma, S1 dan S2 di Korea

Sama seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Korea National University of Arts, atau yang lebih beken dengan nama K'ARTS, kembali membuka pendaftaran Art Major Asian Plus (AMA+) Scholarship bagi para pelamar internasional dari beberapa negara (termasuk Indonesia). Program beasiswa ini berlaku untuk bidang studi: Musik, Tari, Seni Visual, Drama, Film/TV/Multimedia, serta Seni Tradisional Korea yang terdiri dari puluhan program studi yang bisa dipilih. Ada program studi untuk jenjang D3, S1 dan S2.

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Uang kuliah (tuition fee)
  • Tiket penerbangan pergi pulang
  • Tunjangan bulanan
  • Biaya kursus bahasa Korea
  • Asuransi kesehatan

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Telah lulus SMA sederajat (untuk diploma & S1) atau S1 (untuk S2) per tanggal 28 Februari 2020
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Memiliki bakat dan keterampilan seni serta prestasi akademis yang bagus

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Pelamar wajib membaca dan memahami semua persyaratan program studi serta mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran yang dapat diunduh di sini. Formulir Pendaftaran yang sudah diisi lengkap dan dilampiri semua dokumen yang dibutuhkan dikirimkan melalui pos ke:
Attn. AMA Manager
M505, Office of External Affairs 146-37, 32gil, Hwarang-ro,
Seoul, 02789, Republic of Korea
Pertanyaan perihal pendaftaran beasiswa ini ditujukan ke email global@karts.ac.kr.
Informasi lengkap serta dokumen yang dibutuhkan dapat dibaca di situs resmi K'ARTS.

Periode Pendaftaran: 1 Februari - 30 Mei 2020

GRATIS Buku Panduan Kuliah di Korea
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

[Bachelor and Master Student] Tohoku University - Exchange Programs 2020 Fall Enrollment, Japan (JASSO Scholarship)

Tohoku University was established as Japan’s third national university in 1907. Located on the ancient site of Aoba Castle in Sendai City, Tohoku University is proud to be ranked among Japan’s leading universities. Since its establishment, Tohoku University has established itself as an academic leader, producing a number of achievements under the spirit of Research First, the philosophy of Open Doors and the policy of Practice-Oriented Research and Education.

We are pleased to inform you that the call for Exchange Programs for 2020 Fall enrollment is now open.

Tohoku University Global Learning Center has various student exchange programs open to undergraduate and postgraduate students. For other programs offered at Tohoku University, please contact the relevant department directly.

Fee and Scholarship:
Tuition for exchange students enrolled in JYPE/IPLA/COLABS/DEEP/DEEp-Bridge is waived, but all exchange students are required to pay necessary fees including several types of insurances etc. Approximate monthly expenses for students can be found in Cost of Living in Sendai. Note that all exchange students must be able to show that they will have funds of JPY80,000 per month for their student visa applications.

JASSO Scholarship:

About the JASSO ScholarshipThe JASSO Scholarship is available for a limited number of qualified international students. Note that we are not able to ensure that all applicants will receive the scholarship.
Scholarship amountJPY80,000 per month
EligibilityStudents must meet certain requirements including:
  • Students must not receive any kind of scholarship that exceeds JPY80,000 per month specifically for Tohoku University exchange programs.
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.30/3.0 as calculated using JASSO's GPA formula.
  • How to calculate JASSO GPA 
Duties of JASSO ScholarsJASSO scholars must perform certain tasks, such as submission of reports and confirmation of their attendance. If they do not perform those tasks by the deadlines, they might lose their eligibility to receive the scholarship.
ApplicationThe scholarship application form is available on our student exchange application website (T-cens). Applicants must upload the form when they apply to the exchange program. The deadline is the same as the student exchange program application deadline. Late application will not be processed.

Students who will be registered as regular students in one of Tohoku University's partner universities during the whole exchange period are eligible. Note that each program has certain policies regarding the time of enrollment (some programs accept Fall enrollment only), and students cannot change their program once enrolled.  [Partner Search]

Minimum Language Proficiency Requirements

JYPE, COLABSEnglish: TOEFL iBT® Test 79 or equivalent
IPLA English: TOEFL iBT® Test 79 or equivalent
Japanese proficiency: JLPT (Optional)
DEEPJapanese: JLPT N1

Required Documents:

  • Copy of Official Academic Transcript in English
  • Letter of Recommendation by Applicant’s Advisor
  • Certificate of Enrollment at Applicant’s Home University
  • Copy of a Certificate of Language Proficiency
  • Photocopy of Passport (name page)
  • ID Photo (3cm wide x 4cm high)

How to Apply:

  • All applications should be made through the ONLINE SYSTEM(T-cens). All necessary information will be sent to the international affairs/study abroad offices of partner universities before the Application Period. [Partner Search]
  • Students must be nominated by their home universities. We do not accept direct applications from students. The number of students accepted depends on the MOU, but this number is not always guaranteed due to the capacity of each program and availability of suitable academic advisors for the prospective students.
  • After nomination, students are required to make an application by their own.For details, please refer to the APPLICATION INSTRUCTION.
  • Please note that late and incomplete applications will not be processed. Therefore we request that you plan and prepare your application in a timely manner.
  • Requests for extension of program duration are usually not accepted after selection due to the complicated processes required.

20 February 2020


Click Here

Rabu, 22 Januari 2020

ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarships (AUS) at SUTD, Singapore (Full Scholarship)

The ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarships (AUS) are offered for citizens or permanent residents from the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), except Singapore.


The Scholarship covers
  • the subsidised tuition fees (after Tuition Grant) for the normal duration (up to four years) of the respective degree programmes at SUTD; and
  • a living allowance of $5,800 per academic year for the recipients.
No bond is required under the terms of this Scholarship. The recipient must take up the Tuition Grant Scheme (TGS) from the Singapore Government to enjoy subsidised fees. Under TGS, non-Singaporeans will be obligated to work in Singapore for a minimum period of three years upon graduation.


  • The Scholarship is open to Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) and International Students (IS) of ASEAN* (except Singapore) nationality applying for admission to full-time MOE-subsidised undergraduate degree programmes in SUTD that leads to a first degree, and who
  • have outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications
  • show exemplary Co-Curricular Activities records
  • have good leadership qualities and potential
* ASEAN comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. 

Terms and Condition:

  • The recipient must pass all subjects in Term 1 and maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 out of 5.0 from Term 2 onwards. The academic performance will be reviewed every term.
  • Recipients are not allowed to participate in overseas exchanges during the course of study for more than two terms (i.e. no more than six months).
  • Recipients are required to complete at least 20 hours of service to the university. They may take on the role of student ambassador, or any other similar role, representing SUTD to give publicity talks, to receive guests, etc., as and when called upon to do so.
  • Recipients may not, without the approval of the University, hold concurrently any other scholarships, bursaries or university loans. Concurrent holding of the LKY-STEP Award is allowed for SPRs only.
  • The Scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the recipient’s academic progress or conduct is deemed unsatisfactory.
  • In the event that the recipient terminates the scholarship prematurely (due to voluntary withdrawal from SUTD or due to disciplinary reasons), the recipient will be liable to pay liquidated damages to MOE (i.e. equivalent to the tuition grant subsidy amount received by the recipient from the commencement of the scholarship till its termination plus 10% compounded interest per annum).
How to Apply:
  • Application for the scholarships is made at the same time as application for admission to SUTD.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be notified in due course.
  • Scholarships are awarded on the basis of competition among eligible applicants.
SUTD reserves the right not to award any scholarship if there are no candidates of sufficient merit. The decision of the selection committee is final. Enquiries or disputes surrounding its decisions will not be entertained. 

13 May 2020

Click Here

[Master Degree] Erasmus Mundus EMLex Programme 2020, Europe (Fully Funded)

The Erasmus Mundus EMLex offers an excellent international programme of study which is globally unique and highly attractive due to various activities. During the two-year programme, students will spend the second semester together with all other students at one university, which changes every year. On request, it is possible to study at a third university of the EMLex consortium in the third semester. In the 1st and 4th semester studies take place at the so-called home university. Erasmus Mundus applicants have the opportunity to name their preferred choices for their home university; the selection committee distributes the applicants equally to the partner universities. Self-paying students (those who do not hold a scholarship) are guaranteed a place at their university of first choice.

The Erasmus Mundus programme is fee-based, i.e. students have to pay participation costs to the EMLex consortium for each semester. In return, the consortium pays for costs arising in the course of the studies, for example tuition and administration fees, health insurance, library fees, etc. In addition, it organizes a supporting programme. All students have to sign a Student Agreement before the beginning of their studies.

Joint us on whatsapp, telegram, LINE

EMLex provides 15 scholarships for the intake of 2020/21. Depending on the home university, courses will start either in September or October 2020. 75% of the scholarships are given to partner country students; 25% are given to programme country students.
  • Partner Countries: non-EU countries with the exception of Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland
  • Programme Countries: 28 EU member states + Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Liechtenstein and Iceland.
If you come from a partner country and have carried out your main activities (studies, work, training) in any programme country for at least 12 months in total during the previous five years, you are considered as an applicant from a programme country.

The scholarship includes
  • contribution to subsistence costs: 1,000 € per month for the entire duration of the EMLex study programme (24 months maximum)
  • contribution to travel and installation costs:
    • for scholarship holders resident in a programme country: 1,000 € per year for travel costs
    • for scholarship holders resident in a partner country whose location is situated at less than 4,000 km from the coordinating institution (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): 2,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs
    • for scholarship holders resident in a partner country whose location is situated at 4,000 km or more from the coordinating institution (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): 3,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs
  • The scholarship also includes participation costs for the EMJMD-EMLex (see point 2 for details). These participation costs cover all additional costs which occur during your studies. They particularly include tuition fees, health insurance, library costs, administrative costs, cultural events.
Note: If you study in your home country you will not receive contribution to subsistence costs for the duration of your stay there. If you are a partner country student and study at Stellenbosch you will only receive contribution to subsistence costs for the duration of three months of your stay.

  • The applicants of all nationalities can apply but are divided into two categories:
    • Partner Countries: non-EU countries with the exception of Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland
    • Programme Countries: 28 EU member states + Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland
  • The applicants must have a higher education degree from :
    • Computational/Applied) Linguistics
    • (Foreign) Languages
    • Translation
    • Communication/Media
    • Book Studies / Library
    • Information Science or other relevant disciplines
    • The applicant must satisfy the program's language requirement.

How To Apply: 
    • All documents have to be in only one single PDF format.
    • The name of the file should correspond to the following pattern: EMLex application + your name 
    • The file should not exceed 4 MB (if so you might have to zip the files).
    • The documents have to be in the following order:
(1) application form
(2) motivation letter (2 pages max., in English or German). In the letter you should respond to the following aspects:
(a) Explain the reasons why you wish to study the EMLex Master Programme, express your expectations and your own contribution. In addition, you should state what you plan to do with the EMLex master degree.
(b) Report your experiences with scientific or practical lexicography that you have already made and why you have an interest in lexicography.
(c) Explain your choice of the preferred home university (while your preferences will be taken into account as far as possible, the final assignment will be made to best fit your study needs).
(d) Answer the following question: Which lexicographic project would you like to realize in your home country if you had the chance to do so?
                 (3) certificate of HEI degree
                 (4) a transcript of academic records
                 (5) language certificates 
                 (6) a copy of your identity document

01 March 2020

Dream Together Master: Beasiswa Penuh S2 Manajeman Olahraga di Korea Selatan

Bagi teman-teman atlit atau mantan atlit serta para pengurus organisasi olahraga, program beasiswa yang satu ini mungkin sangat sayang untuk dilewatkan. Dream Together Master adalah beasiswa jenjang S2/Master dari Seoul National University (SNU), Korea Selatan, dalam bidang manajemen olahraga.

Fasilitas Beasiswa:
  • Uang kuliah (tuition fee)
  • Tiket penerbangan
  • Tunjangan biaya hidup
  • Biaya asrama
  • Asuransi

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Minimal lulusan S1 setara di bidang apapun
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis
  • Atlit atau mantan atlit serta pengurus organisasi olahraga
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani untuk menyelesaikan studi
  • Memiliki minat dan kemampuan dalam manajemen olahraga

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Sebelum mendaftar, sebaiknya para pelamar memahami petunjuk pendaftaran (unduh di sini). Seluruh berkas pendaftaran dikirim melalui email ke snugsmadmission@gmail.com. Kemudian berkas pendaftaran (hardcopy) dikirim melalui pos ke:
Division of Global Sport Management
Talent Development Building 153, Room 316
Seoul National University 1
Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu Seoul, KOREA, 08826
Informasi lengkap serta dokumen yang diperlukan bisa dibaca di situs resmi SNU.

Batas Akhir Pendaftaran: 13 Maret 2020 

GRATIS Buku Panduan Kuliah di Korea
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

[Bachelor Degree] SUTD Global Excellence Scholarship 2020, Singapore (Fully Funded)

Newly introduced for students admitted to SUTD from 2020 onwards, the SUTD Global Excellence Scholarship is one of our most prestigious scholarships to celebrate talented students who
achieved excellence across multiple aspects beyond stellar academic performance, for example, achievements in sports or the arts, design innovations, active contributions to the community, etc; and
have the attitude, desire and potential to make an impact to society.

The SUTD Global Excellence Scholarship is dedicated to further realising these students’ potential through supporting their personal development, including option for postgraduate studies, global exposure, and more. On top of a fully covered undergraduate education, the scholarship provides a grant to support the tuition fees for students who wish to further their studies, either at SUTD or SMU (for eligible courses^) within three years upon their graduation from SUTD.

Additionally, recipients of this prestigious scholarship will enjoy a generous stipend, as well as sponsorship for a guaranteed choice overseas experience under the Global Leadership Programme (GLP) - a summer programme of at least 8 weeks duration at one of SUTD’s partner institutions overseas - in North America, Europe and Asia. The list of summer programmes offered by partner institutions under GLP can be found here. Finally, recipients of the SUTD Global Excellence Scholarship will also have various opportunities to hone their leadership skills through participation in selected Fifth Row groups such as the University Ambassador Club. 


The Scholarship covers
  • the subsidised tuition fees (after Tuition Grant) for the normal duration (up to four years) of the respective bachelor degree programmes at SUTD;
  • an optional grant of up to S$15,000 to cover the tuition fees for a postgraduate degree programme at either SUTD or SMU (for eligible courses^) within 3 years upon graduating from SUTD;
  • programme fees and travel grant for the Global Leadership Programme (GLP);
  • allowance of S$5,000 every 2 terms; and
  • leadership development through participation in Fifth Row groups such as the University Ambassador Club.
No bond is attached to the Scholarship. The recipient must take up the Tuition Grant Scheme (TGS) from the Singapore Government to enjoy subsidised fees.

Optional Postgraduate Experience
Postgraduate Programmes at SUTD
Students receiving the SUTD Global Excellence Scholarship may wish to use the optional grant of up to S$15,000 towards funding any of the Master or PhD programmes offered by SUTD.

The list of eligible courses at SMU are:
  • Master of Science in Management;
  • Master of Science in Applied Finance;
  • Master of Science in Quantitative Finance;
  • Master of Science in Innovation;
  • Master of IT in Business;
  • Master of Professional Accounting;
  • Master of Science in Accounting;
  • Master of Science in Economics;
  • Master of Science in Financial Economics; and
  • Juris Doctor
Note: The above list is subject to change. Scholarship recipients are to refer to the prevailing list at year of application for Graduate Studies.


The Scholarship is open to Singapore Citizens* who
  • are applying for admission to SUTD’s undergraduate degree programme (except those admitted to SUTD’s special programmes – STEP, SHARP, and SUTD Duke-NUS Special Track)
  • have outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications
  • demonstrate strong leadership capabilities and potential
  • possess excellent record in co-curricular and/or community activities
  • have the attitude, desire, and potential to make an impact to society
* As a special concession, the Scholarship may also be awarded to Singapore Permanent Residents or International Students who have demonstrated exceptional and outstanding achievements.

How to Apply:

  • Application for the scholarships is made at the same time as application for admission to SUTD.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be notified in due course.
  • Scholarships are awarded on the basis of competition among eligible applicants.
  • SUTD reserves the right not to award any scholarship if there are no candidates of sufficient merit. The decision of the selection committee is final. Enquiries or disputes surrounding its decisions will not be entertained. 

13 May 2020

Click Here

Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

Singapore International Graduate Award 2021 – SINGA 2020 (Fully Funded)

The prestigious and fully funded Singapore International Graduate Award 2020 is now accepting applications from international students. The interested students must have a great passion for research work. The Singapore Scholarship 2020 is only for international students. Citizen of Singapore and those who had previously studied in Singapore cannot apply for this scholarship programme.

The SINGA 2020 is a fully funded international graduate scholarship. Applicants are not required to pay for application and the award will cover all the expenses for the whole program. The SINGA Award will cover full tuition fee, monthly stipend, One-time airfare grant, and One-time settling-in allowance.

The selected international graduates will be studying in a world best universities under the supervision of distinguished and renowned supervisors. You will be studying in A*STAR Research Institutes, NTU, NUS or SUTD and all the training will be carried out in English.

The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Singapore is the gateway to some of the fastest-growing economies in the Asia Pacific region. And with SINGA, you can pursue your Ph.D. education in Singapore, establish global links and take your research career to greater heights.

Joint us on whatsapp, telegram, LINE


This is a fully funded Phd Scholarship in Singapore. The Singa award 2019 will cover:
  • Tuition fees
  • Monthly stipend of S$2,000, which will be increased to $2,500 after the passing of the Qualifying Examination
  • One-time airfare grant of up to S$1,500*
  • One-time settling-in allowance of S$1,000*
*Priority for on-campus accommodation is usually given to first year students.


  • Open for application to all international graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results
  • Good skills in written and spoken English
  • Good reports from academic referees
The above eligibility criteria are not exhaustive.
A*STAR may include additional selection criteria based on prevailing scholarship policies. These policies may be amended from time to time without notice.

How to Apply:
  • Browse PhD Research Projects
    • Go to Research Areas to browse the projects you are interested in.
  • Documents Required
    • Do prepare the following documents in advance before applying.
    • Note: Do NOT mail any hard copy documents to SINGA Office. All necessary documents are to be submitted online.
      • Passport
      • A recent passport-sized photo (in .jpeg or .png format)
  • Transcripts & Reports
    • ALL transcripts need to be in English translation
    • Mandatory
      • Bachelor’s and/or Master’s academic transcripts.
      • Bachelor’s Degree certificate(s) / scroll(s) or a letter of certification from the university on your candidature if your degree certificate / scroll has not yet been conferred.
      • 2 recommendation reports (to be completed and submitted online by the referees).
    • Optional
      • GRE / IELTS / TOEFL / SAT I & II / GATE results. However, do note that you may be requested by the university to submit satisfactory scores as part of the university admission requirement. 
Apply now via this link HERE 

Important Information:
Please read the important information below.
  • Please ensure that the information you provide during account registration in the application portal is accurate, as the information will be used for verification upon your first log-in. 
  • Please ensure that you apply for the correct scholarship – “Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)” – in the application portal after logging in. 
  • Please do NOT mail any hard copy documents to the SINGA Office. 
  • Please submit your applications as early as possible. This will provide ample time for your referees to submit their online recommendation reports before the application deadline, as only applications with 2 recommendation reports will be processed. 
  • Please check and ensure that all data you have entered in the online application form is correct and accurate before you submit the application. Amendments to the application will NOT be possible after it is submitted.

01 June 2020

Click Here 

[Bachelor and Master Degree] Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) 2020, Singapore

The Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) supports short-term research attachments for top international students at A*STAR, giving you the unique opportunity to experience the vibrant scientific environment in A*STAR Research Institutes and Consortia, and work with distinguished and world-renowned researchers.

This award is eligible for students who are pursuing their Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees. If you’re considering PhD studies in A*STAR, do apply for the Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) programme.

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  • Monthly stipend of $1,500
    • Research attachment period should be a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 6 months.
    • A simple report detailing the student's experience and research project is required to be submitted to A*GA 3 weeks before completion of attachment.
  • Open for application by international students in Biomedical, Science and Engineering related disciplines who are undergraduate students in their third or fourth year, or Master students 
  •  The above eligibility criteria are not exhaustive. A*STAR may include additional selection criteria based on prevailing scholarship policies. These policies may be amended from time to time without notice.

How to Apply:
Students interested in pursuing an attachment at A*STAR Research Institutes (RI) under the SIPGA programme should complete this application form for shortlisting by the RI. For attachment opportunities at the Bioinformatics Institute (BII), Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), and/or NanoBio Lab (NBL), interested students should email the following RI coordinators directly for placement.

Please include the following supporting documents in the submission of the application form/ email:
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Educational transcripts/certificates
    • Bioinformatics Institute (BII)
      • Ms Betty Kee
      • Email: bettyk@bii.a-star.edu.sg
      • Phone: +65 6478 8292
      • Ms Koh Kok Mei
      • Email: kohkm@bii.a-star.edu.sg
      • Phone: +65 6478 8341
    • Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
      • Ms Ong Yan Ting
      • Email: ong_yan_ting@gis.a-star.edu.sg
      • Phone: +65 6808 8003
    • NanoBio Lab (NBL)
      • Ms Nor Azzah Bte Isnin
      • Email: azzah@nbl.a-star.edu.sg
      • Phone: +65 6824 7042
  • Students are encouraged to find out more about the capabilities and areas of research of the RI here.
  • Shortlisted students will be contacted by the identified RI supervisor/ HR for nomination.

26 February 2020 (Period 1)
31 August 2020 (Period 2)


Click Here

Senin, 20 Januari 2020

Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS) 2020, Indonesia (Fully Funded)

The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS) has been conducted since 2003 and was initially offered to and participated by member countries of the South West Pacific Dialogue (SwPD); Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and the host Indonesia.

Bearing in mind the significance and advantages obtained from the program, the scholarship was expanded over the years to include member countries of ASEAN, ASEAN+3, PIF countries, as well as many countries from all regions in the world. In the period of 2003 to 2018, the scholarship has been awarded to 920 alumni from 77 countries.

Due to the limited space and the vast amount of interest in the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian Embassies and Consulates overseas, hold a series of selection process. Taken into considerations are, among others, the awardees’ background, gender, regional representation and the interest to learn Indonesian culture.

In order to deepen the awardees’ understanding of Indonesian arts and culture, and to enhance their skills for the final performance, awardees will be divided and assigned by the organising committee to different arts centers for the duration of approximately 3 (three) months. The arts centers are located in 6 (six) provinces, namely: Bali; West Sumatera; East Kalimantan; East Java; South Sulawesi and Yogyakarta.

Awardees will live within or around the arts center, allowing for the chance to experience the local heritage and interact with the local community. Synergy between theory and practices shared inside and outside the arts center would undoubtedly become the driving force for shaping international cultures and norms, and will eventually strengthen regional as well as global understanding and cooperation at a people-to-people level.


The program serves to demonstrate Indonesia’s commitment as an initiator of the establishment of South West Pacific Dialogue and as the originator member of ASEAN in advancing the social culture cooperation in the region. The program also has an objective to encourage better understanding amongst participants from member countries through Indonesia’s immensely diverse arts and cultural heritage. Finally, the programme aims to cultivate a culture of cooperation, emerging from direct contact and sharing of cultures amongst people involved in the program, leading to thriving diplomatic relations in the region and worldwide.


  • Tuition fee (including extra-curricular activities);
  • A round trip economy class ticket;
  • Accommodation (board and lodging);
  • Local transportation during the program;
  • Health insurance (limited). All awardees are advised to have their own health insurance.
  • Monthly allowance of Rp. 2,000,000.
  • Candidates should be single, between the ages of 21 to 27 years old with at least a high school diploma;
  • Candidates should possess high interest and talent in the arts. Arts students or those with an academic history on Indonesian culture are encouraged to apply;
  • Bearing in mind the intensity of the program, candidates are highly advised to ensure prime physical condition, particularly for female candidates to ensure that they do not conceive prior to and during the program;
  • Participants must arrive in Indonesia a day before the Orientation Program;
  • Participants must follow the whole program, including orientation program and Indonesian Channel;
  • Candidates must complete the application form (attached with the official link) and submit it with particulars as mentioned in the official link.
  • Basic skill in English is compulsory.


After 1 (one) week of orientation/introduction of the program in Jakarta, awardees are given the art center designated for them by the organizing committee on the basis of their motivation, interests, gender, regional dispersion etc. Decision of the designated arts center is subject to the discretion of the organizing committee.

How to Apply:
  • For Indonesian applicants: The application form should be sent to THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Directorate of Public Diplomacy (Tower Building, 12th Floor, Jl. Taman Pejambon No. 6, Jakarta 10110). The applications should be received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 28 February 2020.
  • For foreign applicants: The application form must be sent to the Embassy/Consulate General of Indonesia in respective countries. The applications should be received by the Indonesian Embassies/Consulates on 14 February 2020 for the initial selection process.
 For a more detail information please also click below:
For further information, please send an email to: embassy@indonesia.cz


Indonesian: 28 February 2020
Other Countries: 14 February 2020

Click Here

UN Volunteers: Program Relawan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa

Kesempatan baik yang sayang dilewatkan bagi teman-teman yang hendak menyumbangkan waktu, tenaga dan pengetahuannya untuk mengikuti UN Volunteers Global Talent Pool. suatu program kerelawanan di luar negeri. Durasi program (kontrak) antara enam bulan sampai satu tahun dan bisa diperpanjang lagi sesuai kebutuhan.

Fasilitas bagi Relawan:
  • Tunjangan biaya hidup bulanan
  • Biaya perjalanan ke dan dari tempat tugas
  • Dana penempatan (1 kali di awal kontrak)
  • Asuransi
  • Cuti tahunan

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Usia minimal 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan sarjana atau diploma
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang relevan
  • Menguasai minimal salah satu bahasa Inggris, Perancis atau Spanyol
  • Memiliki tekad untuk menjadi relawan

Prosedur Pendaftaran:
Tata cara mendaftar serta dokumen yang diperlukan dapat dibaca di sini. Sebelum mendaftar, para pelamar dianjurkan untuk membaca Laman Tanya Jawab. Pendaftaran dibuka terus menerus tanpa batas waktu.
Informasi lengkapnya dapat dilihat di situs resmi UN Volunteers.

Kenali Berbagai Jenis Beasiswa
Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bermanfaat. Selamat mendaftar, semoga berhasil.

[Master Degree] FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Hungarian Government Scholarship, Hungary (Fully Funded)

Applications are invited for Hungarian Government Scholarship to undertake Master of Science degree courses (MSc) at one of the participating universities. The scholarship will cover application and tuition fees throughout the study period, basic books and notes,dormitory accommodation and subsistence costs.

The objective of the FAO is to lead international efforts to defeat hunger, contributing to an expanding world economy by promoting sustainable rural development with emphasis on the poorest farmers, promoting food production and self-reliance, and raising nutrition levels.

All of the costs are financed by the Hungarian Government, according to the Agreement between FAO and Hungary in 2007. Scholarship students are entitled to the same health care coverage offered to Hungarian students during the course of the scholarship. The scholarship covers student costs only, family members are not supported within the frame of this programme

The following Master of Science degree courses are being offered in English for the 2020-21 Academic Year:
  • MSc in Food Safety and Quality Engineering (Szent István University)
  • MSc in Horticultural Engineering (Szent István University)
  • MSc in Animal nutrition and feed safety (Kaposvár University)
The following universities and faculties are participating:
  • Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science
  • Szent István University, Faculty of Horticultural Science
  • Kaposvár University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Joint us on whatsapp, telegram, LINE

The scholarship will cover:
  • application and tuition fees throughout the study period with basic books and notes; 
  • dormitory accommodation; 
  • subsistence costs;
  • health insurance.
All of the above mentioned costs are financed by the Hungarian Government, according to the Agreement between FAO and Hungary in 2007.
The scholarship covers student costs only; family members are not supported within the frame of this programme.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
  • Citizenship and residency of one of the eligible countries
  • Excellent school achievements
  • English language proficiency (for courses taught in English)
  • Motivation
  • Good health
  • Age (candidates under 30 are preferred)

List of eligible countries
Residents (who must be nationals) of the following countries are eligible to apply for the Scholarship Programme:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo*, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon,  Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nigeria, North Korea, North Macedonia, Palestine, the Philippines, Republic of Cabo Verde, Serbia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).

How to Apply:

Interested applicants should prepare a dossier to be sent by E-MAIL (to REU-Scholarship@fao.org) consisting of:
  • Application form duly completed
  • A recent curriculum vitae
  • A copy of high school/college diploma and transcript/report of study or copy of the diploma attachment
  • A copy of certificate of proficiency in English
  • Copies of relevant pages of passport showing expiration date and passport number
  • A letter of recommendation
  • Statement of motivation
  • Health Certificate issued by Medical Doctor
  • Certificate of Good Conduct issued by local police authority.
All submitted documents must be in ENGLISH. Documents submitted in any other language will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that documents are duly translated and certified by a competent office; and that each document is saved with a name that identifies what it is.

28 February 2020
